In order to receive something you need to have space. If you let go of your grudges, expectations, hang ups, obsessing reminiscing thoughts - you will create SPACE in your heart to receive LOVE
Let's CREATE that space together. Imagine that your heart is a beautiful palace, your own sanctuary, what do you see? Who is entering your heart and your headspace today? What type of distractive thoughts would you like to let go and wish them well? The act of letting go will ultimately be enough. Because the clean space will be automatically filled with serenity, calm, fresh air and room to breathe. This is in itself a bliss and a perfect ambience for the love to abide in. Enjoy this light and let it just enter your heart and soul and rejuvenate every cell in your body to restore your energy and fill you up with life.
I write to empty my mind and to fill my heart - Paulo Coelho
Empty your mind any way you can to fill your heart with good memories and joy and just BE
Today I would like to share with you my Shavasana guided meditation which you can do after yoga practice and remember that yoga is about alignment, balance and means unity between mind body and spirit (not just about a stretch :))
Enjoy it and join me for preparing your soul mind and body for a new month ahead. Namaste x
Side note: Download FREE meditation from Aaron's site here who inspired me to write this blog
Another good metaphor for the Letting Go, is a cord. Cutting off the cord that is holding you back. I had an image of the cord that is tide up to your leg or chained to a heavy stone that is either drawing you or won't let you fly. There is another cord that is pulling you up so that you can come out of that swamp or spread your wings and fly. And here is the thing: it is super important to realise WHICH cord to cut off, and to be highly aware about the power that makes you feel up or down, fly or bring you drown, so that you can chose the one that inspires you to follow your true passion & your own path
P.S.. I am also so proud to share with you my new teaching certificate that I recently got after 15 years of practicing yoga yay thank you all so much for your constant love and support <3 Elena x