
A year ago I have started my yoga teacher training in order to solidify my thirteen years of love of this beautiful practice my friend Lyuba introduced me to in New York so that I can incorporate this craft into my vocal training and share it with the world. 

Approximately six month ago I have started teaching yoga and was on my way to my new independent life. I have written back then: "Happiness is a choice". I was convinced that we choose our moods and states. And then... the test of that FAITH visited me. I was thrown into unknown territory, and had lost all my confidence all over again. I had to fight the triggers I had no idea I had and face new challenges. 

This is when I knew that the choice that I made has come with the price - the test of FAITH, first.

So to secure my knowledge I had to go through that test blind-folded, otherwise it would have just been a theory with no practical experience behind it. Faith is based on something that you don't see exists. I stood the test. I believed in providence and followed my heart aligned with my soul and mind. It was not easy and daily yoga practice has really helped me to achieve it. 

This test has shown me that for every revelation that we have, there will be a challenge, a test, and only if you believe in what you say - you will have a chance to stand it. Faith makes your reality. Fear - takes that reality away. To fight that fear I had to believe in impossible first, believe that it's possible to go through the darkness no matter how hard it is in order to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

The truth is yours to choose, the happiness is your choice to make, yet in order for you to get there, you really ought to show that you really really mean it! No matter what, stand by your choice - and you will get there. 

With love, yours Elena Dana

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